Siccaro Supreme 2.0 寵物速乾衣
帶狗狗🐕🦮去沙灘、沖澡後、冬天落雨唔想狗仔冷親病左🤒,除左花費睇獸醫, 仲心痛擔心狗仔唔舒服🥺,up味纏身,可睇睇歐洲製造 🇪🇺 Siccaro 速乾衣,唔單止保暖☀️,仲可以15分鐘速乾,吸乾覆蓋率90%皮毛,非常易穿著,令濕掉的狗仔快速乾身舒適!夏天還可消暑!
Effective drying coat by Siccaro for wet dog to prevent her / him from sickness and wet smell in 15 minutes. Coverage of drying around 90%. Easy to wear with good comfort. It can be used to cool your dog.
產地: 歐洲製造 🇪🇺
名: Siccaro Supreme 2.0 速乾衣
材料: 外層88% 竹纖維,12% 聚酯纖維; 內層85% 黏膠纖維,15% 聚酯纖維
特點: 保暖顯著,15分鐘極速吸乾90%皮毛;非常易穿著; 配有螢光夜光帶,易於在黑夜中,找到牠!
尺寸: 30 - 80 (適合所有體型狗隻)🐕🦮
售價: $980 - 1780 (視乎不同尺寸)
Origin: made in Europe 🇪🇺
Item: Siccaro The Supreme 2.0 drying coat
Material: Material: Outer layer: 88% viscose from bamboo, 12% polyester; Inner layer: 85% viscose, 15% polyester.
Special Features: Full dry in 15 minutes and provide warmth for your dog. It can be used to cool your dog.
Size: from 30 to 70 (depending on Back Length)🐕🦮
Price: $980 - $1,780
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