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美國製Otter Wax 全天然帆蠟布護理套裝 (100% Nature Waxed Canvas Care Kit)

  • 春天黎啦! 開始成日落雨! 🌧️🌧️

    美國製🇺s Otter Wax帆蠟布護理套裝 (Waxed Canvas Care Kit) 以全天然成份製造,塗上蠟後的外套/布袋會布防水💧防風🌪️效果,仲配有除臭和清潔劑,可去除污垢和保持清新氣味,不會損害纖維和保護塗層。


    產地: 美國製🇺s

    名: Otter Wax帆蠟布護理套裝

    售價: $450


    1) Tampico brush以墨西哥特產植物製成,質地較硬,但又不會損壞皮革或帆布表面,建議用於清理污垢 (售價: $55)

    2) Horsehair brush, 柔軟細緻,配皮蠟,為皮革拋光至高光澤 (售價: $55)


    Spring season with rainy days🌧️🌧️ are around the corner, the Otter Wax (Waxed Canvas Care Kit) are made in U.S.A. 🇺s naturally is for leather and fabric products to enhance its waterproof 💧and windproof protection🌪️ after application. It removes unpleasant odor and acts as a strong cleaning agent to make your leather look like anew with non-chemicals process.


    Country of Origin: U.S.A. 🇺s

    Price: HKD 450.00


    Additionally complete the purchase:

    1) Tampico brush (HKD55), made of Mexican plants, hard and effective to clean, reliable and easy to manage.


    2) Horsehair brush (HKD55), soft and designed for mirror shine your exclusive leather to reach a perfect result.



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